Class Blog
During class today Ms. Lang handed back our first drafts of paper #3 about the anti ad that we were supposed to create. She gave us some time to look over the corrections and comments that she made before we proceeded to talk about other class-related issues. Also, Ms. Lang told us when all the revisions of paper one, two and three would be due.Revisions:
Paper 1 - Wednesday 11/21/12
Paper 2 - Friday 11/30/12
Paper 3 - no revision option
Ms. Lang went over some common problems she found in our drafts of paper #3. The main issues were the fact that a lot of students claimed that "people think they become famous if they use the product" and the students' inability to use internal citations.
How to cite something in the text:
-book or magazine: if it is just one sentence: (last name of author, pg#)
if it is a whole paraphrased paragraph: (last name)
-website: (last name)
Some important things that we should include in our papers are our audiences and where our ad originally came from. That information is essential to construct our papers. 1/3 of our paper should focus on how we constructed and modified this ad for a specific audience. Because some students are not too great with computers, we may construct our ads without the use of any computer graphics.
After we talked about the paper, we discussed the reading on page 192. The main focus of that reading was about perspectives about other people without knowing their background or context.
Ms. Lang wrote down the following things on the board:
-perspective of the other person
-how do you know?
-stereotypes of black men
-understanding stereotype
-take precautions
How the reading was constructed:
-naive tone
-distinct voice: since he incorporates his background into his present experiences, he gives it a very personal touch
What affects the public sphere:
-figures of authority
-people who stand out/ people that don't stick to the norms of our society
We will have an option to publish our anti ads!
We will create magazines with our ads in them with ads with similar audiences.
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